Prof. Seid Mahdi Jafari received his PhD in Food Process Engineering from the University of Queensland (Australia), in 2006. Now, he is a full-time Prof. of GUASNR (Iran), part-time Prof. in UVigo (Spain), adjunct Prof. in SINANO (China), and adjunct Prof. in Hebei Agricultural University (China). He has published > 400 papers in International Journals (h-index=97 in Scopus) and 129 book chapters/60 books with Elsevier, Springer, and Taylor & Francis. Selected achievements:
one of the top 1% world scientists by Thomson Reuters (2015)
one of the top national researchers by the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology (2017)
one of the world’s highly cited researchers by Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science), in 2018, 2019 and 2020
a top reviewer in the field of agricultural and biological sciences by Publons (2018 and 2019)…

1. One of the world’s highly cited researchers (HCR), reported by Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science (2018, 2019, 2020).
2. One of the top 1% scientists in the world with the highest citations, reported by Clarivate Analytics, Essential Scientific
Indicators (2015-2023) in the field of Biological Sciences.
3. Ranked No. 13 in the world list of top 100 scientists in the field of Food Science and Technology by Chinese Academy of
Science (2022)
4. Top reviewer in the field of Agriculture and Biological Sciences (2017, 2018, 2019) for all International Journals, reported by
Publons (Clarivate Analytics).
5. Top national researcher of IRAN (2017), selected by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology.
6. Editor of more than 40 International Books published by Elsevier, Springer, and Taylor and Francis.
7. Author of the most-cited articles in Int. J. Food Properties, Food Hydrocolloids, Int J. Biol. Macromolecules, Food Res. Int.,
Colloids Surfaces B, Food Chem., Adv. Colloid Interface Sci., Trends Food Sci. Tech., Drying Tech., and Comp. Rev Food Sci
Food Safety (2010-2023).
8. Distinguished award by the University of Queensland for PhD thesis (2007).
9. Winner of a scholarship for final year of PhD degree from Australian Government (2005).
10. Winner of a scholarship to study abroad in PhD degree from Iranian Government (2001).